Hi guys, I’ve been trying to get Penpot up and running on my Server but I just can’t get through the Activation part. Can someone explain where that “disable-registration” flag is supposed to be placed at exactly? I’ve replaced it with “enable registration” at the config.env file.
Could you please detail whats your problem exactly?, what doc are you following to install penpot?.
disable-registration should be a flag included as part of the environment variable PENPOT_FLAGS. By default registry is enabled, adding enable-registration will have no effect
Hi Alex, thanks for the reply! I’ve just followed the steps on Penpot’s website, but after running the “docker exec -ti penpot-penpot-backend-1 ./manage.sh create-profile” I still can’t login with the credentials created. Any tips on what I might be missing here?
The flags are actually set in config.env file. If you change enable-registration with disable-registration, then nobody will be able to create new accounts in your instance with the "create account " link in the login screen.
You need to manually add users with the manage.sh create-profile command, as explained in the technical guide, or to provide an external authentication profile.
With the create-profile command you set the email and password of the user. You should be able to login with these credentials after going to http://localhost:9001. If not, there may be a problem in your server.
Please check if all the docker images are up. For example with docker ps you should see five containers:
$ docker ps
64c9fd108bc0 penpotapp/frontend:latest "/bin/bash /entrypoi…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>80/tcp, :::9001->80/tcp penpot-penpot-frontend-1
72423504e59c penpotapp/backend:latest "/bin/bash run.sh" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes penpot-penpot-backend-1
96ebbca58114 postgres:14 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes 5432/tcp penpot-penpot-postgres-1
d76113d3e4ea penpotapp/exporter:latest "/usr/local/nodejs/b…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes penpot-penpot-exporter-1
8f8d42473914 redis:7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes 6379/tcp penpot-penpot-redis-1
And you can also check the developer tools in your browser. Press F12 key and check the Console and Network tabs, to see if you have any error message.