First time - unable to login

Hi fellas, my first time here. Its a plesure to be part of this community.

i just finished the install on my local docker vps, and i am getting some issues.
the config yam file has only changes on smtp details, everthing was original.

  1. i am unable to conclude a user creation, the final step and i put my full name and the buttom (to finish) do not go forward.
    If i try to login, i got = Something wrong has happened.
    If i try to register again with same email, i got = Email already used
    If i try to recover pass = email not comes (i know this can be a misconfiguration of mine)

So, the doubts are:

  1. there is an admin view that i can see the users that are registered? If not how can i manipulate them, only in DB?

  2. There is any smtp troubleshooter / log that i can use to identify and fix the mail send?

I am somewhat new to Penpot, but I do have it set up via docker and functional for my team. We’re finally starting to utilize it for actual work.

I wish there were a better admin interface as well. I don’t know of one. I think I saw some posts about manipulating the DB, as you imply. I wish Penpot would integrate with Nextcloud, maybe similar to the methods that Collabora and DrawIO do.

As for the logins, I am currently using Google logins and disabling registrations. The idea of different properties for backend and frontend don’t always make sense to me, but it seems those things need changing in two places.

One of the things I noted that I configured was the PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI.

As for the SMTP, have you use the same credentials with anything else, such as a Python script or some other system that might be comparable? Google needs some special admin magic for plain old authentication to work. FWIW, I am using port 587 and TLS along with host

I’m sorry if I’m not versed enough to help much, but hope you figure it out soon.

EDIT: I also commented out the penpot-mailcatch section.

we are setting up penpot in self-host mode and have same issue as nexideas…
do you know where we can look to understand the issue? how to activate and where are located the log?
also, any ideas about the rootcause of this message “If i try to login, i got = Something wrong has happened.”?

Thank you very much!