In San Francisco on the 25th?

For Penpot 2.1, due in the next few weeks, we are hosting the Penpot 2.1 Release Naming Happy Hour.

@diacritica will be in San Francisco next week and that’s where the happy hour is taking place.

:tada: If you also happen to be in San Francisco on Tuesday 25th June, you’re invited to come.

Get your free tickets!

What’s new for Penpot 2.1?

Penpot 2.1 is a minor release that brings improvements to the authentication system, path editing, real-time persistence, and comments system. It comes shortly after our amazing Penpot 2.0, and it shows the way to Penpot 2.2 and the new plugin system!

What do we mean by Naming Happy Hour?

Each time we publish a new release, the team goes through an internal process of sharing candidate songs that have some connection with what the release is about. Then we all vote for a winner. It’s super fun!

This time, we want to involve the community. If you suggest your song title for Penpot 2.1 when getting your tickets, you could win a prize.

:tickets::hourglass_flowing_sand: Make sure to get your tickets before they’re gone!

Not in town by the date? Tell your San Francisco friends!