LIVE DEMO! 🔴 Penpot's New API & Export


Block your calendars for October 24th - 5 PM (CEST) / 11 AM (ET)!

You’re invited to a live session where Penpot’s CEO, @diacritica, will unveil the brand new Penpot’s API via YouTube and PeerTube. :smiley:

What’s on the agenda for the day?

  • What the API does and how to access it. Learn the basics of what the API covers and how to start using it to get you all the flexibility you need.
  • A hands-on demo with a real-world example. We’ll sync simple design tokens from a Penpot project with a git repo and enjoy a seamless design-to-code pipeline.
  • Q&A time to share feedback.

Get ready for the session with this documentation: Penpot’s integration guide and the export script.

Whether you’re a designer, a developer, or perhaps both, we’re are sure you’ll get a lot of inspiration from this live stream.

See you all on the 24th!


This is going to be great! A hands-on demo that is made possible thanks to a community contribution? It doesn’t get better than that!

Missed out on the session? Well, now’s your chance to catch up and enjoy it.

The 30min live stream “LIVE: I have the API, I have the power!” by @diacritica, is available on YouTube and PeerTube.

If you have friends or coworkers who would be excited about this content, please share it with them. Sharing is caring!