Wey Wey Web Málaga and Penpot's workshop for designers and developers

Missing the sun in this Autumn weather? Then you should come to Málaga next month and sign up for this fantastic conference with an amazing line up of speakers - Wey Wey Web: 23-24th November. And why I’m telling you this? Well, because we’ll be there running a wonderful workshop that you can’t miss!

@claragv and @Eva_Marco will facilitate a workshop on how to make Designers and Developers to work much better called Bridging the gap design and dev gap. Come and register!

Wey Wey Web is an annual conference that gathers international designers and developers with a programme filled with great topics around Web Tech:

Web design and programming
JS Frameworks
Product design
Mobile development
Software architectures and best practices
Web Accessibility

You can join our workshop for 30€ if you not wish to register for the full event. Though, I definitely recommend you to sign up for all the talks because it looks like it’s gonna be an amazing conference! Check out the schedule.

Anyone here already registered for Wey Wey Web? Say hi and let’s meet at our workshop! :smile: