Tips on Prototyping - Scroolling components and layers

Hey guys! I decided to use Penpot 2.0 for the redesign of a website but I am facing some limitations and doubts on prototyping features. I will use this forum to share them and hopefully I get a few tips and tricks on it. Though features requests may come up out of this forum.

(2) Can I define a vertical or horizontal scrolling of components contained in a board?
I need to simulate a text scrolling into a text field but I couldn’t find how to do it:

Prototype link so you can situate each topic:

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Hi @godoicami,

Thanks for the suggestion! We already have a User Story in our backlog for this so hopefully this will be available soon!

This topic is very known and also discussed here.
struggling with scrolling layout

Just to keep the topic together/in one place, there are many sites / requests now for this issue.