Synchronization speed

Tried out Penpot when we were looking into which tools we wanted to use for both UX and UI design work on my team a while back, and there was one big issue that still doesn’t seem to be resolved: Synchronization speed. Right now, the time it takes between when one user makes a change and the other user sees it is quite slow. Opening two windows side-by-side, just drawing or moving a simple rectangle can take 2-3 seconds to show in the other window. In other apps we’ve used, this happens much faster, and we found that this lag/delay to be very frustrating and awkward when we want to actively collaborate on a document at the same time, for example when whiteboarding.

Would be interesting to know what the biggest factors are that lead to this situation and the viability of improving it!

I’ve been using Penpot for quite a while now, but primarily on my own.
Now we are starting to use it for more and more projects at my company.
But now when trying to tackle bigger projects as a team we face some major issues due to the synchronization speed you described.
The problems already start when two or more people start working in the same file.
The synchronization just can’t keep up and elements you just edited “jump back”.
This somewhat looks like “rubberbanding” issues similar to online video games.
Penpot is such a nice editor but if the collaboration does not work reliable and gets in our way, we sadly have to consider switching to other tools.