Question : How to move the main component between pages

Hello community,
I initially created several components on a random page (page 1) at the start of the project.
Now I want to reassamble all these components on a dedicated page let’s call it pageComponents.
However, when I copy them to the Components page, I only get instances of the main components, while the originals remain on page 1.
How can I move the main components to a new page instead of copying their instances ?

Thank you.

Cut out the main components from one page and paste them onto another.


That is correct, this is currently the only way to move components between pages. We know that this solves the use case but that there could be better ways to get the same result and we are already thinking of them.

In the meantime, bear in mind that this can be a risky operation. If something happens between the cut and the paste actions (a connection error or closing the browser tab by mistake) you could lose your main components. You can always go back through the file history versions. As a best practice, I would even recommend creating a manually saved version before cutting main components.

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I like Figma’s solution for this:

You can select anything on a page and use “Move to page”, which is essentially an instant “cut and paste” without having to go to the other page and manually pasting. I use it quite a bit (Also because in Figma it also preserves the comments that were attached to those items and moves them, while cut & paste doesn’t)