Drag and drop feature for moving main component

I’m a new Penpot user. It’s a great experience at v2.4 release. I observed that certain UI designs could be more intuitive.

I encountered an issue when trying to move several main components from one page to another –copying and pasting only creates instances on the new page, but the original components remain.

@ tank666 gave a very good solution, suggesting that I can achieve this by cutting and pasting the main components. It works well.

However, I found this method somewhat implicite, a drag-and-drop feature would make moving elements more intuitive.

This is my question : How to move the main component between pages

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Interesting proposal! We agree that there’s room for improvement in this use case and we already have other ideas to better solve it.

I’ve added this proposal to the user story so it can be considered at the appropriate time.