Hey there guys, I’d like to help with the translation of Penpot to PT-BR. There are things there that either don’t make sense in PT-BR (only in PT-pt) or are wrong. I can help fix that. I’ve already tried through Github but I’ve noticed there’s a weblate, it make things a lot easier.
My weblate user is: Mayrinck
Language to Translate: Brazilian Portuguese (changes)
Thanks @Renan & @Eva_Marco! I’ve finished all the revision for this translation, I think it’s 100% more accurate to Brazilian Portuguese than before. Hope it get’s approved to use soon.
Bem vindo @ahkdigital . The problem is that Penpot is not reaching out to weblate to get the translations anymore. It’s a few months old problem now and no solution, maybe the devs should look at that first before getting more people to translate.