Logging in a different Computer

I don’t know if I’m formatting this correctly, so I’m sorry in advanced for my broken english and bad explainations.

I’m hosting PenPot using Docker in my desktop computer where I can log in with my credentials as usual without any problems, but I wanted to work using my laptop computer in another part of my house, so I grabbed my desktop’s local ip (192.168…) put that in the explorer window of my laptop with the port 9001 as usual, and went to put the same exact credentials as in my Desktop Computer and got to an error “Ha ocurrido algún error” (its in spanish, “An error has occurred” or something like that), went to the browser console and found out it’s caused by “http://192.168…:9001/api/rpc/command/login-with-password” returning 400 Bad Request. It doesn’t let me enter my account from my laptop.

I’m hosting PenPot on Docker on WSL on Windows 11 (desktop) and accessing it from Windows 10 Chrome v114. It should be the latest stable version of PenPot as I’ve downloaded it recently. I’ll answer any question to fix this issue, please respond

Hello @Ayosa. 400 Bad Request can have a ton of reasons. You could start with checking if the URL was entered correctly, then clear the cookies and the cache in the browser. Very low level, but worth trying. You can also try to use an incognito or InPrivate browser session.

Looks that you are trying to access penpot (from external device, I mean not using http://localhost…) without HTTPS, for this case you need to disable secure cookies with disable-secure-session-cookies flag.

More info: 2. Penpot Configuration