Hey all,
To start off - I’m running Penpot v1.16 through docker.
I’m having issue figuring out how to make invitation only setup working. I’ve set up SMTP and all that without issues within minutes. I’m getting invitation links but whenever I click them I get redirected to login page.
These are the flags I’m using:
PENPOT_FLAGS=disable-registration enable-email-verification enable-login enable-smtp
When I’ve used enable-registration
flag then I was redirected to register account form but that also have enabled everyone on the Internet to be able to sign up and login which I’d like to avoid.
So my question is - what should I do to make Penpot work with invitation only setup? I’ve looked around source trying to figure out what are all the possible flags and combinations and what they do. Though I really find it hard to understand Clojure. I guess for now I can just use manage.sh
EDIT: I’ve searched around github/gitter/forum for answers to this question but couldn’t find anything specific.