Add a "Paste to Replace" option

Hi there guys! As we currently don’t have any swap instance or variant feature for components, maybe we could have a paste to replace feature, then? Would be very helpful to swap elements in different screens.



Both swapping components and variants are among our plans, both pretty much defined indeed but it still will take some time until we develop them.

Your “paste to replace” idea makes a lot of sense so I feel that we should at least consider if it can give us the chance to help with the need of swapping/replacing components. I’ve added it to our backlog so we don’t forget to evaluate its potential soon.


Hello, I enjoy this command in other software and it could be really nice to have it in Penpot. Paste to replace is really usefull for components but not only, it’s smooth to use it for every elements in the design in my opinion.


Great to hear it’s on the backlog. I’m really missing this feature, it saves a lot of time.

By the way, where should we make feature requests and comment on tickets? There’s this forum, Github, and also your Taiga for Penpot. Seems like a recipe for duplication of requests. Case in point, I was about to make a feature request for this feature on Github but then searched here first and it turns out it already exists. Taiga seems to be your source of truth, but non-Penpotters can’t make issues there. So … what’s best?