Turning PenPot into an installable PWA

Hi @RenanMayrinckDesign

This theme is already discussed, the PWA looks like one and not exclusive details of implementation on how make penpot work more like desktop app with additional desktop native functionalities, being the offline work as one of star feature. More discussion here about this here: FAQ - How can I make Penpot work offline? - #2 by itsezc

We just can’t handle a such big “enhancement” like, “support PWA”, because PWA means too many things to for different people and can be break in a great bunch of different features. If you miss something concrete and want to elaborate a concrete enhancement that will approach penpot to be more and more PWA ready, I invite you to do it. The big and generic enhancement request will probably open a discussion but will not progress further, because to create a task for it without a concrete thing to do, is a bit complicated for us to priorice and implement in a reasonable time… (also knowing that we are small team and there are too many other features waiting in the same queue).