Sneak peek on upcoming Penpot's Grid Layout (plus Flex Layout combo!)

I’ll keep this one short since I’m working 'round the clock to make Penpot Fest a huge success! You already know about Penpot’s Flex Layout and how it brought all the power or native CSS to designers.

Today I just wanted to share an internal clip that showcases what’s coming next, Grid Layout! It’s still in a very early stage, we need to go through a lot of polishing, testing, user testing, more polishing… but it’s a nice little gorgeous clip to watch!

You can also spot that @alotor (who’s the one recording the clip) is using both Flex and Grid layout at the same time, which makes perfect sense!

At Penpot we’re both working on “quality of life” features and improvements but also making sure that we keep a consistent innovation throughput that further brings designers and developers closer together! You’ll be able to enjoy all the progress on Grid Layout in person at Penpot Fest! Save the dates! June 28-30th Barcelona, registration starts next week!


This is great. I can also imagine various functions that the browser can do (fr units, minmax() etc.) or some generator like here


Great work, I am grateful for all the creativity of the Penpot team


Can’t wait to try this out!

Awesome!! can’t wait!!

Hi! Loved this feature :star_struck: Is it already in the app??? I can’t find it right now. Thank you!

Glad you like it! :smiley: It’s not available yet. It’ll come soon.

Hello, @Paula is there a way to test the grid layout and new features you are working on?

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You can email with the subject “Beta test volunteer”. And please make sure to explain briefly what your role is and how do you plan to use this new feature on Penpot. This will help us when coming back to you with further details.

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Perfect! Thank you very much Paula