Project: Devojo

All links are updated

I think the Linux install link needs to be changed from to Else the certificate is not valid.

All good here to me

What actually happens for me is that the link on the topic:

resolves to

which returns the certificate error then.

:sunflower: Just pitching in to say I love this project. The performance is much nicer than my browser experience, even on my M1 Max with 32GB. Hoping this project can flourish :sunflower:

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Well I can certainly say it handles well on a M2 with 8GB.

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Iā€™ve just installed it on Mac Mini M2, 16GB. It works!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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hey @Korbs thanks for all of the support.
I want to download the desktop version from this link but itā€™s take me to this page and there is no option to download the exe file there.

The EXEC download provided on this page works for me, nothing will be corrected.

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well Iā€™v checked it again and still not see option to download the exe, itā€™s probably something on my end.
I was able to build it myself because itā€™s so simple to do.
thanks anyway.

I was able to download it. FWIW

Any link I try, I get ā€œ403 Forbiddenā€.

Well, I can access this one:
but nothing in the docs folder, so canā€™t download or see build instructionsā€¦

Hey @Korbs
Iā€™m trying to download penpot desktop for windows from this url getting the below error

The following link is giving me a 404:

This one too:

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For Windows, looks like I fixed the issue, try downloading again.

Would love to try this but Iā€™m also getting a ā€œerrorā€ page when clicking on the Windows download link (tried with both Firefox and Chrome).

Install links have been updated, also sorry about the site, an issue did occur recently on the server causing the docs to go offline for a moment.


Hi @Korbs
I been trying to use penpot in an arch based kde system with flatpak but Iā€™ve not been able to make it work
When I startup the flatpak after the splash screen Iā€™m always seeing the following screen

As per the setup instructions Offline Use - SudoVanilla Documentation
i need to click on the gear icon found in the upper-right corner of Penpot Desktop, but as you can see from the screenshot that is not the case.

I thought this maybe because of arch and kde 6, but i tried the same on kubuntu 22.04 (ubuntu with kde 5.27) and observed the same


I found a solution, it seems the icon is still there but its just not visible. Iā€™m not sure if others are experiencing the same, but to work around this you just need to click on left side of the minimize icon and a dialog will appear to change the host.

The official instance was temporary down, as the Penpot Team was upgrading it to 2.0


My Mac is telling me the dmg is damaged and unable to be opened. This appears to be different than the unauthorized developer check.