Simple GUI Apps to Help User Install and Run Penpot Locally

I manage a design community that also focuses on open source applications in Indonesia, Gimpscape ID. Some members want to try running penpot offline on their local site, but unfortunately they have limited technical knowledge (for example about docker, cli commands, and the like.)

I tried to create a simple interface, and of course it was still very limited in terms of functionality to help them overcome this. The hope is that they can install Penpot without having to deal with a CLI interface, just click and go.

Because the goal is to help local communities, the interface language that I use is partly Indonesian. However, if I find this tool helpful, I can try updating it again later.


This is great!!!

Thank you so much!

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Thanks, just try to help local community :")

Sweet, that’s very considerate of you! What’s the name of the GUI app, and how can it be accessed? Are there written instructions out there on how to use it?