Penpot Hands-on live demo: Prototyping

Want to learn more about prototyping with Penpot?

Laura Kalbag, our Design and Developer educator, will show how to make interactive prototypes with Penpot in a brand new live session called Penpot Hands-on.

Date: Wednesday, July 31st

Time: 4 - 5 PM (CEST) | 7- 8 AM (PDT) | 10 AM (ET) | 7:30 - 8:30 PM (IST)

Watch it on YouTube or LinkedIn

Got questions about Penpot prototyping? Share them in the comments below or ask live on Wednesday, July 31st.

The hands-on series features practical Penpot demos exploring real-life designer and developer use cases. Each webinar will focus on one topic area, with Laura demoing the best Penpot features for topical tasks and answering your questions live.

Extra: Laura has introduced some of the most common interactions for Penpot prototypes in a video tutorial and an article. She has also included a Penpot template for you to follow. Feel free to explore it!

Ps. If you click the ‘Notify Me’ bell icon on our YouTube page, you won’t miss out


Thank you everyone who joined the live session! If you missed it, you can catch up with the video in the previous post.

Here’s the file I used during the demo… Hands-on example.penpot (6.5 MB)… ugly scrolling example included :joy:

If you have any more questions or ideas/requests for future hands-on sessions, please let me know!