After each Hands-On Demo, we typically announce the next one.
Kick off your 2025 calendar with this event On January 29th, @LauraKalbag, designer, developer, and educator at Penpot, will walk us through the process of installing and using plugins.
Have you had the chance to explore our new Plugin System? She’ll also show us the Penpot Hub, the new space for discovering resources (plugins, libraries and templates) created, shared, and shaped by open-source collaboration.
You can also watch it on Peertube and LinkedIn.
Some useful links for you to get ready for this live are:
- Penpot Hub site
- Penpot Plugins page
- Plugin System Demo
- How to use components and shared libraries Tutorial
- Components and Libraries Demo
If you’ve missed any of our earlier episodes, enjoy the complete Hands-on Demo playlist!
By the way, everyone may be aware of our Penpot Plugins Contest running until December 15th, but have you submitted your plugin yet? You still have a few days left (and 21 prizes waiting for you)!