Penpot freezes when working with long text

Hello! I’ve recently started using Penpot on Cloudron installation and encountered a significant issue. When working with graphics and images, regardless of their size, everything runs smoothly, and I have no problems at all. However, the issue arises when I try to create an A4 magazine page with text (16px, using a standard font like Roboto). If the text occupies around 2/3 of the page, Penpot starts to slow down significantly or even completely freezes, making it impossible to continue working. As a result, I wasn’t able to complete the page with text.

I’ve tried using all available browsers, including Chrome, as recommended. The server is powerful enough with 32GB of memory, and all resources are fully allocated to Penpot in Cloudron.

Has anyone else faced this issue? Is there a solution, or is Penpot not suitable for handling large amounts of text?

Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions!

Hello @ravolar , thanks for the reporting. We are finishing a big effort to improve the text use in penpot, and it will be implemented in the next release. You can see more information here:

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Penpot is updated, but problem is still the same. It is not possible to work with text, absolutely. Penpot just freezes. Is there any idea how to fix it?