Penpot Desktop Arrives on Flathub

Good news, everyone! For Linux users, Penpot Desktop is now on Flathub!

When publishing Penpot Desktop to certain stores for Linux, Flathub was the first one I wanted to pubish to and I’m very happy to see it finally happened. By being on Flathub, Penpot Desktop can now reach out to more Linux distributions such as immutable distros.

Not only that, I’ve made it available for both architectures, that being x86_64 and arm64.


Or use the install command:

flatpak install flathub com.sudovanilla.penpot-desktop

and run it with:

flatpak run com.sudovanilla.penpot-desktop

and a Mac OS version :)?


Oh incredible, I’ve been waiting for this. I’ve already downloaded it and it looks great, and the idea of being able to choose which title bar theme you want to use is brilliant. :smile: Maybe in the future it will be interesting to be able to use it without an internet connection.

To use Penpot Desktop without interent, you can use Docker to self-host Penpot onto your machine.


This is great news @Korbs thank, I tried to install it but I’m having another problem with flatpak in my Raspberry Pi OS, so as soon as I solve it I’ll try to install it again, and come back with more useful feedback haha.

That’s great if you can fix it, I’ve took a moment to make sure arm64 is supported, so Raspberry Pi should be supported.

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You beautiful wonderful human you! I was having a hard time doing install from source, then I found your post, this is wonderful.

I just revived an old laptop with a debian based distro and installed this with cero issues, and I love it, it`s working great so far, thank you so much :raised_hands:t3:

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I have penpot running locally on the default port I can’t log in using that address nor localhost:9001. Would I need to use a different format somehow?

Also looked on the docs but the linked doesn’t exist anymore.