New Plugin: Image Editor

Hey guys.
I managed to squeeze in some time to submit my last plugin for the contest. This is a basic image editor where you can select an image from your canvas and edit it in the plugin, then add it to your canvas.

Feel free to contribute or give me feedback/suggestions.

The plugin is called RasterMan :slight_smile: … raster manipulation in short haha.
The plugin is still under review. You can try it out using the below link.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Here’s a demo:


Well done! You’re prolific!

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Thx, is it possible to also add the possibility to rotate image, crop, sharpening and image resizing?

This is really cool. Well done!

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I don’t think resize, rotate would make sense since those can already be done inside Penpot. Downsizing to make the file smaller would be an option. Cropping is possible. Sharpening: no so sure.

By sharpening I maen, pick one item, person, area and blur the background. Its actually not realy sharping, rather focus or something. Thx for being open to feedback.

So something like this



Hmm… for this I probably need to use a third party API or a library to remove/isolate the background.

Something like this Imgly background removal or like this GitHub background removal?

This one looks promessing its used for upscaling pictures clarety upscaler and there is an API should be free and open source