Native app or Web app


Any plans to release a native app or a web app like Figma have done?

That will eliminate the double short keys from the browser we are currently using, like on MacOS using CMD + or - will reduce the page size like the interface of the Penpot, and not zoom in or out from the artboard we are using.


Hello @ferreirex, thanks for the suggestion. We have two other post talking about it : Turning PenPot into an installable PWA - #3 by RenanMayrinckDesign
FAQ - How can I make Penpot work offline? - #3 by diacritica

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Thanks @carolina.portugal I have looking for app or software and don’t have find any of the option so I have write the post, go to check the others posts
thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @ferreirex that’s absolutely fine! What we do (poiltely) ask is that if you find that this is a potential duplicate of another post or posts, you remove it from the community and add your comment on those other places. That way me ensure topics receive all the attention they need.

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@ferreirex You could just roll your own using GitHub - tw93/Pake: 🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 很简单的用 Rust 打包网页生成很小的桌面 App

It doesn’t solve the hotkey problem, but at least it will run as its own Application.

It’s as simple as (on macos with homebrew):

brew install rust
npm install -g pake-cli
pake --name PenPot --icon ~/Desktop/penpot.icns

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Thanks @pryley

For what I have understand it will work like Fluid app?

Do you mind to share your package/PenPot app? Maybe will be easier for everyone pick the app and start use strait way.

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Thank you so much :slight_smile:
Looks better than using Fluid app