LIVE: Penpot 2.0 ins and outs and what's coming next

Get Ready for the Penpot 2.0 Live Stream - May 30th!

Exciting news, Penpot community! We’re hosting a live stream on May 30th to explore the new horizons of Penpot 2.0. :rocket: Join us to dive deep into the latest features and enhancements that are transforming design and code collaboration.

What to Expect:

  • :bulb: A small recap of Penpot 2.0 new features
  • :bar_chart: Insightful metrics and figures post-release
  • :globe_with_meridians: A glimpse into the future roadmap and our upcoming plans
  • :mag: Live Q&A session—get your questions ready!

This is a fantastic opportunity to see how Penpot 2.0 can elevate your projects and streamline your workflows. Whether you’re a designer, developer, or both!

:date: Date: May 30th
:clock3: Time: 4pm (CEST)| 10am (EDT) | 7am (PDT) | 7.30pm (IST)
:bell: Don’t miss out! Click on the ‘Notify Me’ bell icon on our YouTube page to set your reminder. Let’s make this a productive session filled with insights and answers.

Set Your Reminder Now!

See you there!