Are you thinking to contribute for penpot and don’t know how?
One way it’s to create a libraries & templates. By sharing it with the community, you support others to benefit from your designs. Design anything you’d like to share. This file can be a template or a library of components, assets, icons …
We have cured, a list of templates with ideas that we would love to see share with all Penpot community.
How to start
If you decide to start working on one contribution, please check our page How to contribute. Also, if you have any doubt, our team is willing to provide guidance, context and all the information needed.
The list
UI kits (a collection of assets that contains a set of design elements such as UI components and styles) for:
- Material Design 3 (we have the old version for reference)
- Ubuntu
- Mastodon
UX Research templates:
- Personas
- Customer Journey Map
- Usability Testing Report
Other templates Inspirations
- E-Commerce page
- Admins Page
- Floating Sidebar Navigation
- Dashboard page
Also, many another complete Design Systems. Penpot team have shared it own design system with all. You can download it at our libraries & templates together with all others shared by the community.
Are you missing another type of templates? These are our ideas to inspire you to contribute with the community. Any other ideas for templates and contributions are more than welcome.