Getting bad request when trying to add an image

I’m creating a plugin, and I need to add an image to the Penpot UI.

For this, I use

      .uploadMediaData("noise-data",, "image/jpeg")
      .then(() => {
      .catch((e) => {

Here the is a Uint8Array. But I’m getting a bad request. What am I doing wrong.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Any news on this?
I’ve been trying everything but I’m always getting this:

    "^ ",
    "invalid image"

Nope. I’ve abandoned 2 plugins because of this :melting_face:

Also, check this: Getting a bad request for `uploadMediaData` · Issue #176 · penpot/penpot-plugins · GitHub

I tried to use other packages to convert as well. Nothing worked. Always getting the same error.
Seems like only simple images work.

Packages I used:

I actually figured it out. :partying_face:

You have to create a Blob and use that as the data array.

$.canvas.toBlob(async (blob) => {
      if (blob) {
        const buffer = await blob.arrayBuffer();
        sendMessage({ type: "createImage", content: new Uint8Array(buffer) });

If you are using the ImageData from a canvas the mimetype should also be “image/png”.

const image = await penpot.uploadMediaData("image", message.content, "image/png");
const rect = penpot.createRectangle();
rect.fills = [{ fillOpacity: 1, fillImage: image }]
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Wow. Thank you! that actually worked. :partying_face: :partying_face: