Feature request: Ability to preview Libraries & Templates

The Libraries & Templates displayed on the site should open a dedicated page when clicked that presents the purpose and contents of the artifact. Those sub-pages should have the .penpot file Download link.

Think of these pages to be very similar of e.g. Wordpress Themes where you can be informed before you install.

An extended functionality is that Libraries & Templates can be directly added to a Project without the need to dowload + import them.

(I thought I had already placed this request before, but may be in a different channel. If not… my apologies)


Hey! That’s a fantastic suggestion! You’ll be pleased to know that your “extended functionality” in your post is actually about to be released soon. We will then see whether that actually solves 99% of the problem you comment since it’ll be super-easy to “preview” and then “delete” or “keep” based on your newly acquired knowledge. If we still see the urgent need to have this preview mode, we will add some extra visual metadata to those libraries/components.

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Hey @aschrijver we just deployed our 1.16 Beta release and we included what we commented a month ago, meaning you have an easy access to a curated list of Templates&Libraries community contributions. Depending on where you are within your projects, importing something will be placed right there.
Tell us what do you think!

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Sorry, have been a week off. But just took a peek, and oww… liking it. It is really low friction now to get stuff from the gallery. Congrats on this great work. Development is going rapidly, and it is delightful to see.