App crash on text edit with Text style and Colour style

Current working on a complex design with 100’s of elements.

Editing a Text asset withe a colour style deep down the DOM hierarchy is causing an app crash. Working on Mac using Arc and Firefox browsers. Same result.

I try different elements with the same styles config and get the same crash.

I try a similar text element but without the Colour style and I can successfully edit.

Have been editing these elements happily prior to 18th Dec.

Can send link / report. Many thanks guys.

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I have similar issues. I want to edit 2 different Project Files… Everytime i try to edit textfields or just try to copy a textfield the app crashes. (Internal Error)

Its possible to edit or copy new textfields, but as soon as i assign a existing font-style from the typography asset-panel (or try to remove it), the app crashes, if I try to edit or copy textfields.

The Project Files are different in complexity, contain images & flex-layouts. One uses a custom Font, the other standard Roboto.

Its a bit annoying, because i need to work on this project files. :frowning:

Like HeyTC, I was able to edit the Files prior the 18th Dec, without issues.


@72dpigraphics - ditto with your experience re attempting to remove a style.

Hello @HeyTC, could you send this file to

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Sent as requested. Many thanks.

Latest version has fixed the editing issues for me. Thank you to @madalenam an @carolina.portugal and the PenPot team.