A comprehensive list of feedback and ideas

A lot to unpack here, thanks in advance for such a detailed list. Here I go:

About the Improvements and new features section, I will try to give back some context for each point:

  • About the comments numbering suggestion, is a nice one and we will add it as enhancement. We might even consider if comments should be numbered at all, as you mentioned.
  • About repositioning comments, I’m glad you asked ;). Like @candidexmedia already pointed out, this was included at the last release.
  • We are already working on a better way to manage images at Penpot. This is among our main priorities.
  • Automatically numbering layers is still an internal discussion at the Penpot team. We will take your feedback into consideration next time we question this.
  • As in the previous point, there are opinios about where to position duplicated objects. When in doubt, we try to go for what we believe is the most common pattern in similar softwares, as we have “familiarity” as a design principle. However, it seems that eventually we will have to consider to provide detailed settings to be able to match mental models of different users.
  • Performance is an area with never-ending room for improvement and long texts are among our main concerns. We hope to improve this case soon.
  • Auto layout in Penpot will be called just “Layout” and is very close!

We will check the bugs list carefully and, if we can reproduce them, we will add them to our issue tracker. If you feel like adding more of these, we’ll appreciate you to add them directly at GitHub, where it will be easier to track them individually.

Again, many thanks for your dedication and commitment <3

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