This week we had our monthly review on how Penpot 2.0 announcement had performed in terms of signups, comments, reactions, self-host deployments, etc. We will share all the data later this month during our May 30th live stream but there was one thing that struck us right away and that was the under-performance of Twitter/X versus Linkedin.
It’s important for us to have as many relevant open channels as possible since our Community lives everywhere. From Mastodon to Youtube, from Peertube to Linkedin, Instagram or Twitter/X, we try to keep up with all of them.
Unsurprisingly, in terms of followers and engagement, Twitter/X has typically accounted for >80% of our audience growth. Whether it was during singularity events like Adobe announcing they were acquiring Figma or our GA release last year, or just “business as usual” months, that has been a constant.
Not anymore! Since December 2023, the audience growth transfer has moved clearly in favour of Linkedin, which is now leading the pack with > 50% of our audience growth, while Twitter/X has slumped into a less relevant 15%. Since we really haven’t changed our strategy, I guess this is telling us something about where people are discussing design & code professional-related topics.
Hum, the only time last year when our Twitter/X audience had a small growth spike compared to the rest coincided with this Figma’s CEO tweet.
I’m not particularly excited about this. I don’t like Elon Musk’s take on X at all but the fact that the best available alternative is Linkedin is quite underwhelming too, to be honest. Personal comments aside, this is clearly a strong shift that we should be aware of.
If you’d like to know more about Penpot 2.0 growth as well as resources to make the most out of it and cool sneak peeks of what’s coming next, make sure to attend our May 30th live stream! I’ll also have a short AMA section at the end for your questions!