🏆 Penpot Plugin Contest!

With the recent release of the Plugin System :partying_face:, we invite everyone to create their favorite plugins for the Penpot Plugin Contest!

The contest will kick off on November 15th and run until December 15th, 2024.

First, you’re probably wondering, what are the rewards?

  • First prize: $ 1,000

  • 20 Honorable mentions: $ 200 each

  • Outstanding prize: For an exceptionally impressive plugin.

Who can participate?

Participation is open to all! Whether you’re a pro-developer or a rookie in plugin creation, we encourage you to join.

How will submissions be evaluated?

Judging criteria: Plugins will be assessed based on their functionality, creativity, and usability.

How can you get started?

If you’re interested in entering, check out the Plugin documentation for helpful guidance on how to create plugins in Penpot.

By November 11th, we will publish the Penpot Plugins Contest page, where you’ll find all the details and guidelines for participation.

Stay tuned!


Tomorrow, November 15th, is the big day!

The Plugins Contest kicks off, welcoming everyone: from pro developers to rookies in plugin building.

Get your plugins ready!


Hi there. I just tried to submit my plugin on the submissions page but keep getting an error. Looking at my browser console, it looks like the Plasmic API is throwing a 500 error on the submission. Do you maybe have any tips on how to work around this problem?

Hi @Christoph! Thanks for reaching out, and I’m sorry you’re running into this issue.

To avoid any delays, please send your plugin directly to community@penpot.app with all the required information from the form included. This way, we can review your submission without waiting for the issue to be resolved.

Thanks for taking part! (Your Day & Night plugin is :star_struck:)

Thanks for the quick response. I tried again today (entered exactly the same information) and it worked. Must have just been a hick-up yesterday. Also, it is for the Day & Night plugin. So great to hear you like it. Plugins can be a really nice creative canvas.

Hi! Thanks for giving it another try. Whenever we receive a bug report, the team looks into it right away. They started investigating after reading your message today.
Good luck with your plugin!

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@Elena_Alcalde_Rueda How to update the content (images, description, …) of an already submitted plugin?

Hey @girafic ! While we figure out a different way, send me whatever needs to be updated at: community@penpot.app.

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Quick reminder! :hourglass: Do you have a plugin idea for Penpot?

Check out our Penpot Hub. If your idea isn’t already there, create it and enter the contest for a chance to win one of 21 available prizes!

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

It´s great to see how plugins are evolving and the contest thriving. Thank you for taking time to develop them.

I have been taking a look to all of them and grouping them based on category.
Right now there here are around 50 plugins and browsing through the list is easy to handle, but it would be valuable to be able to browse the plugins using a grid layout, having a search option and filter by category.




Penpot Plugin | Image Lookup
Penpot Plugin | Stock Pix
Penpot Plugin | Illlustrations
Penpot Plugin | Remove BG


Penpot Plugin | MynaUI Icons
Penpot Plugin | Icons
Penpot Plugin | ico/icns Generator
Penpot Plugin | Icon finder
Penpot Plugin | Heroicons


Penpot Plugin | Patt
Penpot Plugin | Noisyy
Penpot Plugin | Gridify


Penpot Plugin | Bento generator
Penpot Plugin | Skeleton Layout


Penpot Plugin | Day & Night


Penpot Plugin | Metaball
Penpot Plugin | Replace Shapes
Penpot Plugin | 3D Design Viewer
Penpot Plugin | Blobbb
Penpot Plugin | Shadow Playground
Penpot Plugin | Shapes

Dummy content

Penpot Plugin | Lorem ipsum
Penpot Plugin | Avatar Generator
Penpot Plugin | Starter Profile


Penpot Plugin | Contrast


Penpot Plugin | Tailwind HTML


Penpot Plugin | Mockup Mirror
Penpot Plugin | Palette Swapper
Penpot Plugin | Tables
Penpot Plugin | QRCode
Penpot Plugin | PDF Viewer
Penpot Plugin | Orphaned Components Detector
Penpot Plugin | Rename layers
Penpot Plugin | Sticky Notes
Penpot Plugin | Map editor


Penpot Plugin | Cardforge
Penpot Plugin | Confettier


Wow!!! :boom: Incredible job, @gabriel! Thanks a million! We’ll definitely make sure the plugins are filtered.

Hey there! There are still 4 days left to participate. As @gabriel mentioned yesterday, over 50 plugins are ready to be assessed, and the jury is very excited about it.

But don’t worry, there’s still time to send yours and compete for one of the 21 potential prizes! Check out what’s already been submitted and get inspired to create your own.

By the way, do you know who’ll be assessing your work? Here’s the jury :face_with_monocle::

We’re looking forward to your plugins!


For insperation/suggestion for a Plugin have a look here Plugin Suggestions

Thx for the detailed info, Iconify should be in the catogory Icons I guess, instead off color, palettes…

For the contest, would it be possible to have the community’s vote partially count towards the contrst?

I myself was thinking of the following proposal. The 6 people mentioned above select the 21 plug ins that are in the prizes. The community can vote on these 21 plug ins to help determine the grand prize. (That way, what the community finds useful/important is also taken into account.) For example, the community’s vote counts for 1/3 of the votes, the other 2/3 by the people named above.

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Thanks! We actually considered community voting but need a bit more time to set it up. We’ll definitely keep it in mind for the next contest.

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This can be done quite easily by a post on the forum e.g. in this topic. By listing all the 21 plugins with a description of what they do and link to the plugin on the Penpot site like e.g. Plugin Lucky tool. At the very bottom of the post you then put a Poll where everyone can select only 1 option to vote for.


  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option …
0 voters

Thanks @BDV ! We’ll explore it next time.

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share that I have published my plugin, Real Data Filler, today. However, I haven’t received a confirmation email regarding its submission.

Could someone kindly confirm whether my submission has been successfully received? I’m more than happy to provide any additional information if needed to ensure my plugin’s eligibility for the contest.

Thank you so much in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing back from you!

GitHub link: GitHub - AdrienSergent/real-data-filler

Best regards

Adrien Sergent

Hi! Your plugin has been correctly received. Thanks so much for entering the contest @AdrienSergent :raised_hands:

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