Meet the winners of the Penpot Plugins Contest 2024!

Before we announce the winners of our first-ever Penpot Plugins Contest, allow us to share how inspiring and humbling the whole process has been for the Penpot jury.

We are still amazed at the quantity (65!) and the quality of the plugins that were submitted during the short 4-week window. :exploding_head:

Also, direct feedback from participants told us that the Penpot plugin system had one of the best developer experiences they had ever experienced. :heart_eyes:

And the winner is…

OK, let’s do this. After careful deliberation, we’re thrilled to reveal the winners of the Penpot Plugins Contest!

And the first-prize winner is… (drumroll :drum:)

Surprise! Instead of one, we have decided to give two first-prize awards!

That’s right, we couldn’t make up our minds between two really outstanding plugins and we were allowed to create a second first-prize award. Both receive $1,000 and a cool award certificate.

The 1st prize winners are: Tailwind HTML and Palette Swapper! :partying_face:

What do these plugins bring to the table? Let’s find out!

Tailwind HTML by Grafikart

This plugin allows you to generate Tailwind-compatible HTML code from any layer: click on a layer, and you’ll see the Tailwind code. “Tailwind export” has recently been a recurrent petition from the Community and we’re extremely glad to see how a neat plugin can provide just that!

Palette Swapper By LloydNA

Swap a color palette from your colors library to another in your designs. Simply choose the original palette and the target palette, and watch as it updates all the colors on your current page to match the new palette!

We love this “productivity boost” gem that will be most welcome by UI designers. We’re sure it will be a nice companion to our upcoming Design Tokens release due very soon!

These two deserve to win, each bringing a unique approach—one from the design side and the other from the coding perspective.

20 Honorable Mentions

We also want to recognize 20 other fantastic plugins that meet various needs. Each of these will receive $200 along with the award certificate.

Here we go!

Day & Night by Christoph

With a smooth user experience design, a simple click is all it takes to create light and dark color themes in your file and seamlessly switch between them.

Interaction Stripper by Dale de Silva

Bulk remove interactions related to your selected boards. Easily copy a flow and strip its superfluous interactions for a clearer journey demonstration. Affected interactions are filterable; Limit to those of particular journeys, those that interact with overlays, those using a certain trigger, and more.

Mockup Mirror by Nusry

Preview your Penpot designs on a real Android device with this plugin and the Companion App.

Patt by Nusry

Generate patterns using vector shapes. Features: - Use predefined or custom SVGs - Color choice - Grids and many parameters to adjust.

Tints and Shades by Lukas Nabholz

Generate lighter and darker variants from any color.

Ktracer By Chekobil

Convert raster images (jpg, png and webp) to vector graphics and use it in your Penpot designs.

Activity Tracker by Activity Tracker

The Activity Tracker plugin offers a privacy-focused way to monitor your design workflow.

Pixelize! by Sergej

Simple pixel art conversion tool for Penpot. Quickly pixelize your designs and images.

Plane Shifter - 3D Transformations by Sergej

Take your frames to the next dimension. Rotate and adjust them on any axis for a dynamic, customizable look in 3D

Map editor by Felix Sänger

Make your Penpot designs more impressive by adding hand-crafted 2D maps!

Shapes by Varun

Shapes plugin helps create shapes like polygons, stars, circles and arcs with more precision.

Icon finder by Grafikart

Find and import icons with ease. Choose an icon set, select your icon and it’s done!

Typescales by Nusry

Generate typescales in Penpot.

Import palette by Anveshdunna

Create color styles from URLs of community created color palettes. Currently supports Lospec palette URLs with

ContentMock By Raimund Canzler

Say goodbye to lorem ipsum — ContentMock simplifies your Penpot workflow by replacing design elements with realistic placeholder data. Quickly mock up names, numbers, and custom fields to create convincing prototypes without hassle.

Replace Shapes by Stas Haas

The “Replace Shapes” plugin replaces any selected shapes with a copied shape, essentially pasting the copied shape over the selection and removing the originals.

Tailwind Styles by Grafikart

Use tailwind styles in your design. Add any tailwind color and text style in your library.

Copilot by Ceejay

Penpot Copilot is your AI-powered design assistant, transforming the way you create. With Penpot Copilot, you can effortlessly turn your ideas into stunning designs.

SVG Exporter by Zoltán Barát

Update the SVG colors to use current. Color for better flexibility and consistency with text styles. Add a class to individual layers for improved organization and customization. Effortlessly copy the entire SVG to your clipboard with a single click.

Shadow Playground by Chrishollandaise

Craft perfect shadows through an interactive playground with live preview.

Evaluation criteria and panel for the Penpot Plugins Contest

Our jury, with their diverse expertise, carefully assessed each submission:

A huge thank you to this panel for their thoughtful evaluations!

Here’s what we considered in the judging process:

We looked for creativity and originality. Does the plugin introduce a fresh idea, solve a new problem, or bring an innovative twist to enhancing user experience or workflows?

How effectively does the plugin do what it promises? We checked if all the features worked as expected and how powerful and reliable the plugin is.

We considered how easy it is to use the plugin. Is the interface intuitive? Is the workflow smooth and user-friendly, even for newcomers?

Lastly, we evaluated if the plugin is efficient, responsive, and robust. Does it run smoothly without crashes or slowdowns? Is the code well-written, maintainable, bug-free, secure, and compatible with updates?

Thank you note!

We are still fascinated by the amazing reception this contest has had. This is proof of an amazing community committed to help build Penpot and extend its reach.

We want to thank everyone that submitted a plugin :heart_hands: regardless of whether they won a prize or not (it was a tough decision) and share our clear intention to host another Penpot Plugin Contest!


brb installing all these plugins :partying_face:


So glad to be a part of this :heart_eyes:.
Thanks for the opportunity Penpot Team.
Hoping to contribute more.


Oh no I’ll have to find time to test them all now !

Well done and bravo to all the participants !


Nice to hear there will be a sequel to the plugin contest. Possible idea for the next contest: form a team (minimum 2 people) and build your plugin together.

I love that! In fact, we were asked if group participation could be allowed, so we’ll explore how to include that option next time. The possibility of teaming up instead of going solo. Thanks!