Mouse enter and leave events are erratic?

Hi all,

I have an issue with the mouse enter & leave events.

Have a look to the video here

The dropdown is a flex layout as you can see here

On every board, there is an event “mouse enter” on each button to open the related board, and an event “mouse leave” to close it.

Maybe I do it very wrong? Or the performances are really bad?

Hard to say… My intuition would suggest that it would be better to have the single menu entries handle their hover. But I can not say that your approach is wrong, in a minimal example it does not show problems for me:

But building on that… going back to a non-hover state is where my replication started to have problems:

  • One could try to register a mouseover on the menu background (the non-menu-item) to move to a board without any hover effect, but that leads to the question whether background or the overlaying element captures the mouse event.
  • One could register a mouseout on the single menu items, this would move to to a board without any hover effect but that leads to the question which event “wins” when the mouse moves out of one menu item and to a new item. If the hover/mouseenter wins it will move to a board with hover effect; if the mouseout wins its moving to a board without hover effect.

Both these are defined in the DOM/JS standard for browsers but not for Penpot (needing to know these would make use cumbersome anyway)

Either way, thus it is probably best to have sub-components for single menu items that react to a mouseover/mouseout by themselves.

Either way, thus it is probably best to have sub-components for single menu items that react to a mouseover/mouseout by themselves.

I think that’s planned, but until it’s released…

I’d say you’re right, there are issues to catch the event between all the concerned boards.