Images lose in quality upon import ing

Hi everyone,

I’ve noticed that when importing an image, it tends to lose in quality. this happens when the image is copied and pasted into Penpot, or imported from a local file.

Basically I like to take website screenshots for inspiration and paste them next to my board. But if I zoom in on the image, the drop in quality is clear. Looks like a lossy compression is done to the file when loaded in Penpot.

If I download the media from Penpot back to my local drive, the image resolution hasn’t changed, just the quality.

Has anyone else noticed this ?



I have the same issue. Large images uploaded to PenPot are pixelated.
Is there any solution to this?

Same experience here - I posted about this back in March as well Raster images have a lack of pixel-level visual accuracy

Hoping for a solution or pathway forward, but understand there are potential limitations currently.