I am trying to work out how to create a color scale.
I cannot figure out how to brighten or darken a color by a set amount as in the example.
Which example are you referring to? You can use the lightness/value slider in the colour picker to brighten/darken colours, but not by a specific value or amount right now.
However, I spotted this fantastic plugin by @nabholz for generating Tints and Shades from a colour. It works really well and might just be what you’re after!
Like 050, 100,200 etc in a colour chart
I wonder if I can do it in gimp and copy it into penpot
Another great plugin for you that’ll do just that:
Palette plugin by mart1.
You can choose a colour, how many steps you want in your scale, and it’ll save the palette as colours in your local library.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I can’t log in to penpot for some reason.
I will try out both when I figure out what’s going wrong.
I am using the brave web browser.
I get error message in console: Removing unpermitted intrinsics
This happens after loading plugin system.
Then 404 error and PENPOT is not defined.
Now working, don’t know why.