Bad gateway Error after Updating Penpot Docker Container

Hi there,
I updated the Docker container of Penpot today using the command: sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml pull and started the container using the command: sudo docker compose -p penpot -f docker-compose.yaml up -d. Now it shows a ‘Bad gateway’ message with a retry button.
I’m using Arch Linux.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

And docker-compose logs gives me : PrivateBin

Hi @mohammedshan !

You can launch docker without the -d option

sudo docker compose -p penpot -f docker-compose.yaml up

So you can check what’s the output, check if something is wrong and paste here the result :wink:


One more question, what url are you using to access penpot?, could you check exactly the failing request in your browser network tab and paste here a screenshot?