Add Vercel to Plugin deployment

Is it possible to add to 3. Deployment page?

That would be a great addition. If someone creates the necessary documentation for adding Vercel to the Deployment page, it would be an awesome contribution.

Let us know if you’re interested in working on it!

My answer depends on what will happen to the following topic…

I am in the process of adding Vercel to the documentation for Plugin Deployment but am running into some problems.

problem is that I cannot add the images in the same way as this was done for the rest of the documentation and don’t know if you use standard dimensions and format for puctures or not.
Should I place the image in a separeta folder and then specify the relevant path?
I think it is this folder but am not sure: penpot/docs/img/plugins

Same with video’s and what dimensions do you use for videos and how do you set the dimensions of a video?

Below the PR, its a draft for the moment…

@carolina.portugal or @myfunnyandy could you help with explaining how the documentations is build up when using pictures and/or videos?

You thought right; that’s the folder for the images related to plugins doc.

About the images and videos specs, I’ll copy/paste our recommendations here. This is from a WIP internal guide, we intend to improve it and publish it eventually.


  • Size: 672px is the maximum width at which images can be displayed. The only reason for exceeding this width is that the image is intended to be viewed enlarged (example).
  • Format: WebP high-quality images with significantly smaller sizes than conventional formats like PNG and JPEG.


  • Size: Same as images.
  • Format: mp4.
  • Duration: As short as possible.
  • Configuration: autoplay must never be on for accessibility reasons.

I hope it helps, and I’m glad to see the progress on this contribution!