Hey there 
I was using figma for the past couple years but decided to move to penpot. Amazing product and great active community made my decision really easy.
The issue I’m currently facing is the migration of existing figma projects/design files to penpot. Over a long period of time you gather few projects and design files in figma.
So I started with the migration of a “huge” design system design file. After a long processing time the Penpot Exporter was failing- I also checked the console as well as the network in the developer tools (also have exported them if needed) but there is no obvious reason why it fails as far as I can see.
So I decided to split that figma design file into several, to export it in smaller chunks. So far so good, with the smaller chunks and using the Penpot Exporter everything went smooth during the export and I ended up with a zip file on my operating system. I immediately tried to upload the first zip file to my own penpot instance, but unfortunetly it did not work and penpot told me that the was an issue with uploading the zip file after a little bit processing time.
I’m a little bit helpless because I have no clue what todo now or how to handle the migration. Hope someone within the community faced something similiar and knows what to do?
Thank you all in advance 
I’m facing the same problem! I exported the things I really needed as SVGs and then uploaded them to penpot, but it’s not ideal given that I have years of work on Figma. You could maybe use that as an interim solution too until someone responds to your post?
I like the vector tool on penpot better than figma, but I have to say I do miss the basic image editing!
Hey @Avriel_Skolnick, thanks for the hint.
Unfortunately some svg exports would not quite solve my issue. When a client requests a new feature to be implemented I highly depend on my design system for consistent styling/spacing. If I can’t migrate any of these I would be kind of be vendor locked into figma for now.
Hope the penpot team will come up with a solution to migrate also complex files with variables, primitives, tokens etc etc.
Honestly speaking I‘m not happy with how you are locked on a design vendor, there should be some guidelines or filetype they need all vendors to follow. It is like anarchy that everyone can create their own proprietary filetype.
Maybe the penpot team can enfore such kind of standards in the design industry!
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I’m dealing with this as well. The Penpot Exporter just hangs with no output. This is really putting the brakes on my transition from Figma. The only thing that would be better would be for Penpot to have native Figma file compatibility. :-/