I’ve applied padding to sections and it seems to act like collapsing margins.
Is this a bug in Penpot or is that expecting behavior in design tools?
Here’s a screenshot below. I’m applying 120 padding to the bottom of the one section and the top of the next section. That create 240px of padding but it’s not.
As a stop gap I’m using height to get the desired design.
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Hi there @stephen_jeffers!
Does the page containing the boards has a flex-layout rule? Like → vertical, top to bottom, zero gap? This would make elements that increase or decrease in size to keep aligned alongside each other. Would also look if there’s any of these two elements set as position absolute and set it back to static if not set, just to make sure you’re on the best conditions to make this work.
If after all this nothing changes, then maybe it’s a bug.
That for replying. I’ve set it to flex and set the direction to column and both sections are set to the directon top to bottom.
The one thing I’ve noticed is constraints option is not available. I’m pretty new to using Penpot, the docs doesn’t seem to say at what point you see the otpion for constraints.
It seems to be fine today and I’m not seeing the same issue.
Thanks for coming back to me.
AFAIK… Constraints only appear if the element is not part of an flex-layout hierarchy OR if they are set as absolute inside such hierarchy.
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Ok, many thanks for the tip.