

Olá a todas e todos, sou Rick designer há quase 30 anos, tenho expertise em Pesquisa e Descoberta de Produtos, Engajamento e Treinamento de times de Design.

Minha bagagem inclui só nos últimos 10 anos de experiência só em Produtos como :briefcase: compliance, :bank: bancário, :books: educação, :desktop_computer: hospedagem de sistes, :recycling_symbol: reciclagem, :tractor: agro, :mending_heart: seguros e :newspaper: portais.

Hello everyone, I’m Rick, a designer for almost 30 years. I have expertise in Product Research and Discovery, Engagement and Training of Design teams.

My background includes only the last 10 years of experience in Products such as :briefcase: compliance, :bank: banking, :books: education, :desktop_computer: system hosting, :recycling_symbol: recycling, :tractor: agriculture, :mending_heart: insurance and :newspaper: portals.